WTF is up with these nappies?!

Good Lord, man! Every second one is leaking!! We’ve gone through all the different ranges of the two top brands and I’m pulling my hair out! Huggies, Pampers, get your shit together for crying out loud! If South Africa sported any other worthwhile nappy brands I would gladly give them a try but they’re all as useless as the next! You know what this is costing in laundry detergent? Too fucking much, that’s what. Don’t these people have babies? I need to get hold of their R&D division. You can’t claim your nappy is going to keep my baby’s bum dry for 12 hours but then, by the third hour the bed is drenched! That’s false advertising if you ask me. Is anyone else having this problem or is it just me??

All I want is a couple of leak-free nights. 

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